L'équipe AVEA Partners
Marie-Christine DUPONT - LEBLANC
Chemical Engineer, she has over 20 years experience in business; she is first Manager of R & D teams at Total and organization and strategy consultant for major industrial groups with multidisciplinary teams of high level.
Coach today, is a graduate of the third cycle Coaching Paris2; she develops a Balance Coaching Youth Outreach, among others at the Ecole Centrale Paris, and she accompanies individuals and corporate teams in change.
In 2017, Marie-Christine got the quality label ICPF-PSI certification.
She founded AVEA Partners, a network of coaches related to the professional development of persons to their success.
Gérante AVEA Partners
Formatrice et Conseillère référente Bilan de compétences
Référente : Handicap, Qualité, RGPD et pédagogique
[email protected] par téléphone: + 33 (0) 1 46 89 01 37
Robert RASMUSSEN - United States and Denmark
Managing Director and Chief Facilitator. A former employee of LEGO, Robert is a main architect of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology. After several years and more than 20 iterations, he and his team developed the concept into the reproducible and robust methodology it is today. He is the master trainer in the LSP methodology.
Robert is co-principal for Rasmussen Consulting in US and in Denmark and on the advisory board for Rasmussen Consulting in Japan and Singapore. He is master trainer for the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. He has spent his career applying experiences and theories about play, learning, creativity and teaching business and organizational development.
He is a member of AVEA Partners Network.
Christelle AMBLARD
Diplômée en tant que psychologue du travail (université Paris V), elle totalise plus de 17 années dans différentes entreprises. D’abord en tant que consultante pour accompagner les personnes dans leur connaissance de soi, de son potentiel et de ses talents puis dans sa réflexion, construction de son projet de vie personnel et professionnel (jeunes scolarisés, salariés et demandeurs d’emploi, tous niveaux de formation et métiers). Ces dernières années, elle a exercé dans un organisme de formation et a été manager à 2 reprises. Récemment elle s’est formée en complément à la sophrologie (titre reconnu au RNCP, IFS Paris) afin d’accompagner aussi les personnes dans la connaissance de soi, pour développer son potentiel, amplifier son bien-être et ainsi gérer sereinement les situations de la vie quotidienne.
Elle est membre du réseau AVEA Partners.
Psychologue du travail
Conseillère Bilan de compétences
Graduate CNAM labor psychologist, he has more of 20 years experience in SMEs. After practicing technical and administrative team leadership, he refocused its activity on the Human Resources Consulting.
He supports men and women in their professional development and change management. He operates in advising companies, organizations and institutions in the areas of skills development and the prevention of psychosocial risks.
He is an associate member of AVEA Partners Network.
Certifications des membres du réseau :
- Tests d'intérêts et motivations Station spatiale, IRMR, Strong
- Indicateur de personnalité MBTI niveaux 1 et 2
- Test Belbin sur les rôles préférentiels en équipe
- Analyse systémique, PNL, AT